Thursday, July 19, 2012


IMG_3086-10, originally uploaded by Matt Cassan.


IMG_3062-2, originally uploaded by Matt Cassan.


IMG_3074-6, originally uploaded by Matt Cassan.


IMG_3092-12, originally uploaded by Matt Cassan.


IMG_3090-11, originally uploaded by Matt Cassan.


IMG_3076-7, originally uploaded by Matt Cassan.

This woman is a psychiatric oncologist ... a doctor who helps patients who have challenges overcoming the mental ramifications of chemotherapy and cancer treatment. She herself overcame breast cancer years ago.

She struck a deal with one of her patients ... if she posed nude for an art class, her patient, who'd had a double mastectomy and wouldn't leave her house due to body issues as a result of the surgery, would go for a consultation to have reconstructive surgery.

Pretty great doctor.


IMG_3059-1, originally uploaded by Matt Cassan.

Life drawing at the studio. I look forward to Wednesday nights.